2004-06-14 13:02:45 UTC
I am Miss Comfort Aghe I am a Camerounian; Dr. Hung Dong Kim a Korean National was a volunteer International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society at the regional Headquarters in Younde, Cameroun, The Younde regional Office cover the ICRC activities in countries around our sub-region including Akwa Ibom a Boundary with Nigeria, where Dr Hung Dong Kim was delegated to work around that time when the incidence of the Crisis over the Bakassi Pennisula occurred in Cameroun,since we live at this border a number of refugees fled the region of the Boundary between Cameroun and Nigeria, my Parents were killed, I was the only child of my parents, Dr H.D Kim met me without care at the Akwa Ibom refugee Camp at the Borders between Cameroun and Nigeria and adopted me as his Child.
He was a trained Medical Doctor, although he dedicated his life to helping the underprivileged here in Cameroun, He built a Hospital which cared for Orphanages and for treatment of the sick where Government Hospitals were deficient, he was a good Christian, and very dedicated to God he had no child until he died of prostrate Cancer. From money made at his Hospital, he had the intension to set up a Foundation/Clinic for the care for Heart disease and Cancer patients until death struck, he had already had the money (the sum of US$3.2Million) transferred by his Bank in Cameroun (FIRST NATIONAL BANK) to a Bank in Europe where he was to buy the medical facilities for the construction of the Foundation and Clinic.
As his Cancer situation deteriorated we visited The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas USA, his health situation worsened when we arrived home in Cameroun and died a month later February 26th.He willed much of his Properties including the US$3.2Million deposited at the Bank in Europe and the Orphanage home to me, his other Clinics at Douala and Akwa Ibom were willed to the local Residents under the care of Catholic Parish in the localities.
Barrister Akeem B. Louis was his legal adviser he wrote his WILL. Because he had no child, he dedicated much of his wealth to me and to the service of God and humanity. As the only survivor to Dr. Kim, I have the opportunity to acquire all properties belonging to him, since I have all documents.
Since I have no parents, no relations and been very young, I am afraid of converting the money at the Bank to my personal use, I have seen through my experience in life that helping out those in need was is the only way to get justification. I could convert the fund to myself with the intention of investing the fund abroad for my personal use but I am still very young. I was afraid sending the money back to either the Government here in Cameroun because I think some individuals will convert the money for their personal use. Now the money is still at the care of the Bank in Europe.

I had an encounter with Christ when Pastor Mrs. Joyce Meyer was preaching on television concerning Ananias and Saphira in Acts 5:1-11. After hearing the word of God, I gave my life to Christ and became a born again Christian. As a born again Christian, I started reading my bible and one day, the Lord opened my eyes to Ezekiel 33: 18 and 19 where the word of God says: "When the righteous turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby". From the scripture, I discovered that the only way I could have peace in my life is to do what is lawful and right by giving out the fund to the service of Humanity the same way Late Dr H.D Kim rescued my life a the Akwa Ibom refugee camp.
With the realization of what God has done for me through Dr Kim, I asked God to make his choice and direct me to an honest Humanitarian or a believer in helping the underprivileged who would invest this money at helping humanity, I have specifically chosen you and I have the firm believe that as you invest this money in your establishment the accruing profit will be used to the service of those in need.
I came across your address on the Internet as I was browsing through Hospital and Christian site because this was what Dr. H.D Kim stood for (Hospitality, Humanity and the service of God) and as a matter of fact, it is not only you or your ministry that I picked on the site initially, but after my fervent prayer over it, I decided to choose you and contact you for the fund to be used wisely for things that will glorify the name of God and help humanity.
I have notified the Bank in Europe where Dr. H.D Kim deposited the money that I shall nominate a trustee who will contact them for the claim the fund; I am still in school and may be in Europe at the Bank with you when all arrangements are put in place.
So if you know that you will sincerely use this fund honestly for things that will glorify God's name and humanity, then do urgently contact me back through my email and details will be given to you on how you will be able to receive the fund in your country from the Bank in Europe.
You should also forward to me your telephone number for easy communication and fax number should there be need to fax the Bank documents to you. Note that all communication will be opened to Barrister Akeem B, Louis, considering my age, his witness to the whole life of my Foster Parent Dr H.D Kim and been the Lawyer who wrote the Will.
You must satisfactorily satisfy the Lawyer and i that you will be prudent and willing to use the money to the service of Humanity, before we can commence the release of the Bank documents to you.
Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Miss Comfort Aghe.
Tel: 2348037092922
