Changes in build process
2003-05-02 12:28:13 UTC
I will shortly introduce two changes in the build environment:

1) killer: If a build has taken longer than 20000 seconds, all
processes involved in the build will be summarily executed.
Depending on where in the process the build is, this may result in
strange result reports for this build. Currently, the only notice
will be a mail to snake-farm-reports.

2) no more make file: the top script in the build process has until
now been a make file. Since make stops executing commands if it
gets a non-zero exit code, this means that a killed build would not
return a meaningful result. In order to get anything out of a build
that has been killed by the killer, the top script will now be a
shell script.

These are difficult changes to test, so there may be some weirdness
before all bugs are weeded out.
Anders "Quest" Qvist

There's a shadow on the faces of the men who fan the flames
Of the wars that are fought in places where we can't even say the names
-- Jackson Browne, Lives In the Balance
2003-05-14 20:41:18 UTC
Post by Quest
1) killer: If a build has taken longer than 20000 seconds, all
processes involved in the build will be summarily executed.
Depending on where in the process the build is, this may result in
strange result reports for this build. Currently, the only notice
will be a mail to snake-farm-reports.
AIX builds suspended at the moment, as build scripts leaves orphaed
Anders "Quest" Qvist